I’ve written a lot on chess training, but it has all been theoretical: how to train and what to train, but not what I am actually doing right now. In truth, I have not been training. I’ve simply been treading water, staying connected with chess but not actively putting in work. Because I’m balancing a new career with other competing priorities, this was fine, but I’m now preparing to dive in.
Therefore, what follows is my training plan: what I intend to do, why I will do it, how I will do it and when I will get it done. All chess players are unique, so the details of the plan likely won’t help you, but hopefully seeing how I set it out and what I intend to do will give you an example on how you can structure your own plan.
Also, frankly, writing this gives me accountability. I will write monthly updates and rely on readers to keep me on track if I start slacking. Well, without further ado, let’s go.